Network Augustan Poetry

Conferences since 1998

May 1998 : Élégie et épopée dans la poésie ovidienne (Héroïdes et Amours), organized by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris at the University of Lille 3
Published in the series « Travaux et Recherches », University of Lille 3, 1999.

September 1999 : Mito e Potere : scrivere epica sotto Augusto, organized by Gianpiero Rosati at the University of Udine.

June 2001 : Generi minori ed eredità ellenistica nella poesia augustea, organized by Mario Labate at the University of Florence.

September 2002 : La tradition dans la poésie latine. Sources, modèles et intertextualité, organized by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris at the University of Lille 3
Published in the first issue of the review Dictynna in 2004.

April 2004 : La représentation du temps dans la poésie augustéenne / Zur Poetik der Zeit in augusteischer Dichtung, organized by Jürgen Paul Schwindt at the University of Heidelberg
Published in La représentation du temps dans la poésie augustéenne / Zur Poetik der Zeit in augusteischer Dichtung, her. von Jürgen Paul Schwindt, Universität Verlag, Winter, Heidelberg, 2005.

September 2005 : Paradox and the Marvellous in Augustan Literature and Culture, organized by Philip Hardie at the University of Oxford
Published in Paradox and the Marvellous in Augustan Literature and Culture, ed. by P. Hardie, Oxford University Press, 2009.

March 2007 : Augustan Poetry and the Roman Republic, organized by Damien Nelis at the Fondation Hardt
Published in Augustan Poetry and the Roman Republic ed. by J. Farrell and D. Nelis, Oxford University Press, 2013.

November 2009 : Orientalismo romano, organized by Alessandro Schiesaro at the University of Roma « La Sapienza »
Some papers appeared in Dictynna 8 and 9.

June 2011 : La costruzione del mito augusteo, colloque organisé par M.-L. Del Vigo, M. Fucecchi et G. Rosati à l’Université d’Udine
Published in La costruzione del mito augusteo, édité par M. Labate et G. Rosati, Universität Verlag, Winter, Heidelberg, 2013.

August-September 2012 : Augustan poetry and the Irrational, organized by Philip Hardie et the University of Cambridge
Publication : Augustan Poetry and the Irrational, P. Hardie (ed), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016

June 2014 : The Augustan Space, organized by Anna Chahoud and Monica Gale at the University of Dublin.
(Publication in progress)

November 2015 : Interpréter la poésie augustéenne aujourd’hui. Principes et méthodes, Conference in honor of Alain Deremetz organized by Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, J.-C. Jolivet, F. Klein et S. Tarantino at the University of Lille 3.
Publication in the issues 13 (2016) and 14 (2017) of Dictynna.

November 2016 : La casa, il palazzo, la villa: luoghi dell’identità nella letteratura dell’età augustea e della prima età imperiale, organized by Mario Citroni, Mario Labate and Gianpiero Rosati in Florence.

December 2017 : Excessive Writing: Ovid in exil, organized by Melanie Möller in Berlin.
Publication : Excessive Writing. Ovid’s Exildichtung, M. Möller (ed), Universität Verlag, Heidelberg, 2020.

May 2019 : ROME'S FUTURE, ROME'S PAST: THE 8TH BOOK OF THE AENEID, organized by Alessandro Schiesaro at the University of Manchester.